Maltego Support: Committed To Empowering Meaningful And Excellent Investigations » Chargebackpros

Maltego Support: Committed To Empowering Meaningful And Excellent Investigations 🔗︎

The Maltego Support team cares and commits to support our Enterprise customers as soon as need(s) arise. Currently, our support team works from 8am to 6pm CET (7am to 5pm GMT) from Monday to Friday. Normally, we maintain operations even on public holidays to support customers.

Our Response And Resolution Times 🔗︎

On average, our response times are within 6 business hours and resolution within 7 days depending on both the criticality of a request as well as its complexity. In all cases, you can trust that the Maltego Support agent will give you regular updates on the progress of your request and when a resolution can be expected.

On days when we are not at full capacity, not only do we ensure critical requests are attended to at the earliest possible, with a maximum response time of 7 hours, but also, we make sure to inform our customers of our reduced availability as soon as possible.

How To Reach Us 🔗︎

Our documentation can easily guide you through the initial setup, troubleshooting as well as advanced setup for Maltego, including development-related topics such as writing your own Transforms.

Should you need additional help, you can:

  • Raise a support request by writing directly to
  • Fill in our support form
  • Chat with us using our chat feature available on our contact support page

Maltego Enterprise customers can also reach out to their dedicated Enterprise Customer Success Managers for quicker resolution time. Our Customer Success Managers work closely with the Support and Tech teams to ensure all previously shared context and information are taken into account.

Don’t know who your Customer Success Manager is? Write to and we will reach out shortly!

Let Us Know How We Can Better Support You! 🔗︎

At Maltego, we empower meaningful and excellent work. We cannot do this without your feedback! We want to hear from you about how helpful we have been, whether our documentation is informative enough, and whether our solutions were accurate and effective.

With every response from our support agent, rate the helpfulness of the response and let us know what we are doing well or could do better.

Maltego Chat: Our Maltego Ninjas Await Their Next Quest! 🔗︎

Maltego Chat Ninjas are now available on various pages of our website, ready to help you with any question you may have, such as:

  • Where can I find the docs?
  • How can I purchase Maltego Enterprise?
  • What do Transforms do?
  • What’s a Machine?
  • Where can I find my license key?

And infinitely more.

Maltego Chat Ninjas support users as quickly as possible – We know our users carry out time sensitive, and critical investigations. We want to make sure you always have us on your side.

Maltego Chat Ninja Screenshot

Maltego Ninjas are ready for their next quest. Find the red chat bubble on our webpage to start yours.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and sign up to our email newsletter, so you don’t miss out on updates and news!

Happy investigating!

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